Archive for março 2012
0quinta-feira, março 29, 2012 by Carol Lima
Category comida falsa, fimo
terça-feira, março 27, 2012 by Carol Lima
Category comida falsa, fimo
quinta-feira, março 22, 2012 by Carol Lima
Category comida falsa, fimo
Biscoitinhos falsos
0segunda-feira, março 19, 2012 by Carol Lima
Category comida falsa, fimo
Comida de massa fimo
1terça-feira, março 13, 2012 by Carol Lima
Category comida falsa, fimo
quarta-feira, março 07, 2012 by Carol Lima
Two of my oil paintings, till today i might have ten to fifhten paintings. If someone is interested in buying some, just contact me. I will go back to painting soon, I stayed a time without painting nothing, but for sure I will be back, I like a lot...
Category óleo sobre tela, quadros
sábado, março 03, 2012 by Carol Lima
This site is very cool, you can know many new things, among your interests or ramdomly in all net. It chooses pages ramdomly, which gives the opportunity to see things will would maybe never see:
Category site
by Carol Lima
Category pintura digital