Doces falsos
quinta-feira, abril 05, 2012 by Carol Lima
Para fazer esses doces falsos da frente eu usei a mesma espuma quefoi usada para a torrada do post anterior. Para o pedaço de bolo eu usei madeira balsa e para a parte de chocolate, a mesma espuma dos doces. Todos foram pintados com tinta acrílica.
To make these fake sweets from the front I used the same foam that was used to make the fake toast from the previous post. To the piece of cake I used balsa wood and for the chocolat part, the same foam from the sweets. All of them were painted with acrilycs painting.
Category comida falsa, espuma, madeira balsa
Torrada de espuma- Foam toast
by Carol Lima
Eu usei uma espuma de umas peças de quebra- cabeça que eu tinha em casa para fazer essa torrada. As peças de espuma foram coladas umas nas outras e pintei com uma tinta para artesanato e guache que eu tinha aqui.
I used a foam from a puzzle I had at home to make this toast. The foam pieces were glued to eachother and I painted with some hand craft paint and gouache I had here.
I used a foam from a puzzle I had at home to make this toast. The foam pieces were glued to eachother and I painted with some hand craft paint and gouache I had here.
Category comida falsa, espuma
quinta-feira, março 29, 2012 by Carol Lima
Essa foi minha tentativa de fazer um pastel falso. Vocês acham que ficou parecido?
This was my attempt into making a fake pastel. Do you think it looks like one?
Aqui outro ângulo, mostrando o volume do recheio:
Here, another angle, showing the volume of the filling:
Category comida falsa, fimo
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